Well the year is almost over and after reflecting on this past year, there are definitely some things I would like to do differently next year.
I just started preparing my student's supply list for next year. I really want each student to have their own supplies stored in our math classroom. I am going to ask each student to create their own math toolbox. Each toolbox will hold thin markers, colored pencils, highlighters, glue sticks, ruler, pencils, sharpener, eraser, and a sharpie.
These toolboxes will be stored in our classroom and available for daily use. Students will grab their box on the way into class and use their tools during interactive notes, graphing, modeling, stations, and any other time we need them. I am going to ask each student to purchase one of these supply boxes. Each student will be given their own personalized labels to attach to the sides and top so they can easily spot their toolbox as they walk into class.
I have not changed my bulletin board paper or borders for at least five years. I know its terrible, but the fade-less paper never fades! It still looked good all these years, but now there are just too many holes and its time for a new color. My room will be painted over the summer--needs it bad. Then I will choose the color. I also want to replace my borders (they did fade). I love the way some people have been layering their borders. I am going to try this!
Click on picture if you would like to visit the fantastic blog the picture came from.
I love Pinterest!!!!!! So many amazing creative ideas! If only I could use them all!!
I want to implement at least three ideas next year. I think I can handle three.
Here are some I would love to create.
Click on the pictures if you would like to visit the fantastic blog this idea and picture came from.
Love this idea from the host of this linky party.
No need to buy new student erasers--so clever!
I love the traffic light exit card |
Great Birthday Chart
Exit Cards
I would love to be this organized!
What will you do differently next year?
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